Pro Bono Transforming Lives for 40 Years


Pro Bono Center Success Stories, Court Updates, and Event Coverage

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Father and daughter

December 22, 2020

Pro Bono Attorneys Secure Life-Changing Benefits

Kevin* contracted a severe infection which forced him to undergo more than 30 surgeries, including one that required the devastating amputation of his leg. In the last year alone, he spent eight months in the hospital.

Holiday Operating Status

December 18, 2020

Holiday Operating Status

The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center will be closed from December 24, 2020 to January 3, 2021. As such, the Landlord Tenant Resource Center/Landlord Tenant Legal Assistance Network (LTLAN), Consumer Law Resource Center, Advocacy & Justice Clinic, and Bankruptcy Clinic will all be closed for intake during this time.

Woman drinking coffee

November 16, 2020

Neighborhood Staple Goes Remote

By Matt Stephen

The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center has operated its Advice & Referral Clinic in-person on the second Saturday of every month since 1997. That all changed in March, when the Pro Bono Center canceled its clinics in Shaw and Anacostia due to COVID-19.

Sean Doran

November 16, 2020

Pro Bono is a Solace for Volunteer Sean Doran

I am a Counsel in the Private Equity group of Goodwin Procter LLP’s Washington, D.C. office. Although I grew up in Pittsburgh and have lived in a number of cities throughout the country, I consider the D.C. area home.

Pro Bono Center Assistant Directors Join Pro Bono Conversations

September 29, 2020

Pro Bono Center Assistant Directors Join Pro Bono Conversations

By Matt Stephen

With the need for pro bono help on the rise, two D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center staff leaders participated in webinars exploring how to manage remote court hearings and how D.C.-area lawyers can volunteer to help their neighbors in need.

Pro Bono Center Promotes Economic Recovery

September 29, 2020

Pro Bono Center Promotes Economic Recovery

By Matt Stephen

At Washington Economic Partnership’s 2020 Retail Summit this September, D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center Assistant Director Darryl Maxwell spoke on a panel with other experts about Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) compliance for community nonprofits and small business owners.

Statement of Solidarity

September 28, 2020

Statement from the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center

We, the Pro Bono Center's Board and Staff, express our deep sorrow for what is happening in America right now, and for what has happened for centuries. We grieve the loss of so many Black citizens at the hands of police officers who swore to serve and protect our communities. We grieve that it is necessary to affirm that Black lives matter. We grieve that some consider it controversial even to make that statement.

Justice Ginsburg

September 28, 2020

Justice Ginsburg Remembrance

By Rebecca Troth

One Justice Ginsburg quotation that particularly hits home for me, as someone whose job it is to provide legal help to people unable to afford a lawyer, is her admonition that lawyers have “an obligation to provide legal services to those without the wherewithal to pay, to respond to needs outside themselves, to help repair tears in their communities.”

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